I 501(c) You - The Podcast for NonProfit Board Members

We hope to educate current and future nonprofit board members on the roles, responsibilities, and obligations of being a nonprofit board member.

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Tuesday Oct 17, 2023

This week, we are discussing the importance of regular strategic planning. However, you do not have to create a brand new strategic plan every time your previous plan comes to an end. It is possible to update the plan and extend several of the objectives. Along with updating the strategic plan, we discuss the benefits of strategic planning, including engaging internal and external stakeholders, identifying priorities, and coming to a common understanding of the mission.
(00:00) Why you might want to consider regular strategic planning
(00:35) Biggest benefits of strategic planning - engaging stakeholders
(01:40) Engaging Staff
(02:30) Identifying priorities
(03:20) Discuss the mission
Join us every week as we release a new podcast with information about how you can be the best board member and provide great service to your organization.
Listen to the podcast on any of the following platforms:
Apple Podcasts
Spotify Podcasts
Visit us at: www.thecorleycompany.com/podcast

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023

This week, we are speaking with Rick Yocum, Executive Director of the Humane Society of Manatee County. Rick had a diverse background of experience before joining the Humane Society of Manatee County. We believe this has contributed greatly to his success. Rick provides us with great information on how to communicate with your board, keeping your board members engaged, managing volunteers, working with your board chair, and more. Rick does this in his clear and concise communication style. Similar to how he recommends communicating with the board.
After listening to this interview, it is clear that the animals and people at the Humane Society of Manatee County are in good hands.
(00:00) Introducing Rick
(03:15) Becoming the Executive Director of the Humane Society of Manatee County
(04:35) Biggest learning experience going from for profit to nonprofit?
(06:18) How do you communicate with your board?
(11:35) How do you keep the board engaged?
(13:30) Rick’s approach to board meetings
(17:10) Rick’s approach on committees
(19:00) Advice for working with the board chair
(22:25) Rick’s approach in managing volunteers
(25:55) Rick’s last pieces of advice
Join us every week as we release a new podcast with information about how you can be the best board member and provide great service to your organization.
Listen to the podcast on any of the following platforms:
Apple Podcasts
Spotify Podcasts
Visit us at: www.thecorleycompany.com/podcast

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Today, we discuss the 4 primary roles of a nonprofit board of directors. These roles allow the nonprofit board to function as intended, support the organization, and fulfill the fiduciary duties. These 4 roles should be consistent across any nonprofit board, as all nonprofit organizations need support in these four categories.
(01:00) 4 Primary Roles of a nonprofit board of directors
(01:20) #1 - Governance
(01:40) #2 - Oversight and fiduciary responsibility
(02:25) #3 - Guidance on the strategic direction
(03:05) #4 - Fundraising
Join us every week as we release a new podcast with information about how you can be the best board member and provide great service to your organization.
Listen to the podcast on any of the following platforms:
Apple Podcasts
Spotify Podcasts
Visit us at: www.thecorleycompany.com/podcast

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023

I 501(c) You - The Podcast for Nonprofit Board Members is 1 year old! In the 52nd episode of I 501(c) You, Michael reflects on the guests who have joined us on I501(c) You, he discusses topics from the past year he is seeing in his consulting practice, and he speculates on what the next year holds. 
(00:00) Past guests
(00:35) Happy birthday I 501(c) You!
(01:30) Serving on a nonprofit board is the best leadership development experience
(03:26) The importance of bylaws
(04:57) The importance of the Board Chair & CEO relationship
Join us every week as we release a new podcast with information about how you can be the best board member and provide great service to your organization.
Listen to the podcast on any of the following platforms:
Apple Podcasts
Spotify Podcasts
Visit us at: www.thecorleycompany.com/podcast

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023

This week, we speak with Lakewood Ranch Community Fund Executive Director, Adrienne Bookhamer. This is not Adrienne’s first time being an executive director. In fact, her first go-round as Executive Director did not start off well. She almost ran the organization into the ground. However, she learned from her mistakes, resurrected that organization and is now an even better executive director.
This is a must-listen for anyone who wants to be an executive director or is a new executive director.
(00:54) Interview Starts and Adrienne introduces herself
(02:40) Becoming an executive director and running the agency into the ground
(05:35) What would have helped you be more successful?
(13:00) What advice do you give to new executive directors?
(14:35) How do you approach the role differently now?
(17:20) As an executive director, find outside support 
(18:20) Joining an executive director support group
(20:10) Tips for creating a stronger relationship with your board of directors
(23:00) How a new board chair effects the executive director
(23:50) What role should the executive director have in the discussion of the selection of the next board chair?
(24:30) Last pieces of advice
(26:45) Recapping with Read
Join us every week as we release a new podcast with information about how you can be the best board member and provide great service to your organization.
Listen to the podcast on any of the following platforms:
Apple Podcasts
Spotify Podcasts
Visit us at: www.thecorleycompany.com/podcast

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023

This week, we are discussing the characteristics of an effective nonprofit board chair. The role of board chair can seem like an obvious one for those leaders from the for-profit industry looking to give back to their community. However, there are some differences between for-profit leadership and nonprofit board leadership that need to be considered. In this episode, we discuss the primary characteristics and functions of an effective board chair. 
(00:36) Grounding with the differences between for profit and nonprofit sector
(03:20) 4 characteristics of a good board chair
(07:20) Primary functions of a nonprofit board chair
(10:00) Wrap up
Join us every week as we release a new podcast with information about how you can be the best board member and provide great service to your organization.
Listen to the podcast on any of the following platforms:
Apple Podcasts
Spotify Podcasts
Visit us at: www.thecorleycompany.com/podcast

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023

This week, we are speaking with Dr. Patton McDowell, founder of PMA Nonprofit Leadership. This is a wonderful conversation for anyone, regardless of their involvement in the nonprofit space, to learn how to be intentional about professional development. We discuss the importance of taking a personal retreat, strategic networking to create your personal board of directors, and how nonprofit board members can hire a CEO/ED who is able to advance their expertise and the organization’s.
Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership
Patton's Website
Patton's Podcast
01:14 - Dr. McDowell introduces himself and talks working with the Special Olympics.
03:55 - Getting the CFRE and embracing professional development
06:25 - Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership
07:50 - What characteristics should a board member seek in a CEO/ED?
11:10 - What is the board's responsibility in professional development for the CEO/ED?
12:25 - How can we work through the “professional development is too expensive” problem?
13:30 - Can you talk about the 7 steps in the book?
16:50 - Taking a personal annual retreat and how to do it
19:20 - Should anyone in the organization think about professional development?
20:30 - How should a CEO respond when a board questions the need for professional development?
22:40 - Strategic networking and creating your personal board of directors
27:00 - Recapping with Read
Join us every week as we release a new podcast with information about how you can be the best board member and provide great service to your organization.
Listen to the podcast on any of the following platforms:
Apple Podcasts
Spotify Podcasts
Visit us at: www.thecorleycompany.com/podcast

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023

A nonprofit board retreat: what is it, why should you have one, and how would you structure 6+ hours to ensure everyone finds value in the event? I have facilitated nearly 100 retreats over the years, and I believe properly approached, getting everyone in the same room for an entire day can be of great benefit to the organization. Structuring a full day's agenda might sound difficult. But as long as you have your objectives in mind and know what success means for the meeting, it can be easier than you think.
(00:51) Why should you have a board retreat?
(01:40) #1 benefit of a board retreat
(02:18) Allocate time for deeper discussions and education
(03:00) Set priorities for the year
(03:35) How to structure a board retreat?
(04:09) Have a purpose and objectives for the retreat
(04:43) Define success
(05:16) Building out an agenda
(06:40) Prepare your board members
Join us every week as we release a new podcast with information about how you can be the best board member and provide great service to your organization.
Listen to the podcast on any of the following platforms:
Apple Podcasts
Spotify Podcasts
Visit us at: www.thecorleycompany.com/podcast

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023

Join us this week for an engaging conversation with William Kennedy, the Co-Founder and CEO of RiskBridge Advisors. William takes us on a journey into the realm of investment management, sharing his personal story and sharing the role of RiskBridge Advisors in supporting nonprofit organizations. Gain insight into the considerations the board must weigh when enlisting an investment manager, the significance of the Investment Policy Statement, and discover how your asset allocation eclipses the mere selection of an investment manager as a growth predictor.
RiskBridge Advisors
(01:00) Interview begins, William introduces himself and Risk Bridge Advisors
(05:20) What does it mean to be a fiduciary? Why should nonprofits care about it?
(09:20) Can you help us understand the concept of risk for nonprofit organizations?
(15:00) When should people reach out to you?
(20:30) Are you seeing a lot of board turnover recently?
(21:55) What should the board’s role in investment management be?
(23:30) The importance of the Investment Policy Statement
(26:55) How do you help board members understand the investments
(29:45) Where do boards make mistakes?
(35:15) Anything else you want board members to be aware of?
(38:40) Recapping with Read
Join us every week as we release a new podcast with information about how you can be the best board member and provide great service to your organization.
Listen to the podcast on any of the following platforms:
Apple Podcasts
Spotify Podcasts
Visit us at: www.thecorleycompany.com/podcast

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023

This week, we are discussing the importance of the board chair/CEO relationship and why this relationship is so important to cultivate.
Just like with any relationship, the board chair and CEO need to be intentional about growing their relationship, set expectations, and be clear on each other's role. Without clear expectations, the board chair might overstep into the operations and or the CEO might overstep into governance. Each person has a specific role they should fulfill. The CEO runs the operations of the organization, the board chair leads the board of directors.
Without a working relationship, the CEO or Board Chair can cause problems for the organization, becoming a bottleneck or not providing the support needed to the other.
(00:40) The Board Chair and CEO relationship
(02:30) Why the relationship can have friction
(02:55) Role ambiguity
(03:35) Communication
(05:00) Conflicting visions for the organization
(05:30) Micromanaging the CEO
(06:25) Decision making authority
(07:00) Personality clash
Join us every week as we release a new podcast with information about how you can be the best board member and provide great service to your organization.
Listen to the podcast on any of the following platforms:
Apple Podcasts
Spotify Podcasts
Visit us at: www.thecorleycompany.com/podcast

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